By visualizing with the Organizational Motivation Score, the necessary actions become clear. With a 100% customer repeat rate over 5 years, the M-MAP solution guides you to resolution in three steps.

Four Features that Make M-Map the Choice

1.Complete Visualization and Quantification of Organizational Issues Hindering Motivation

Using our uniquely developed diagnostic tool, we measure not the "employee's motivation" but the "organization's motivational power," clarifying the factors that hinder employees' motivation and productivity. By employing mechanisms such as "reflective questions" and "quantification," we can achieve more accurate diagnostics.

2.Improvement Roadmap Including Prioritization                  .

Based on the data obtained from the diagnosis, we create an improvement roadmap with set priorities. We define the necessary projects, their goals, and the content and duration of each project.


3.Active Implementation and Stabilization of Improvement Plans by Employees

Because the data is derived from our diagnostic tool, employees themselves can formulate and execute improvement plans. If you want employees to undergo a mindset shift, empowerment (granting authority) and fostering a sense of ownership are essential. Only then will they take the matter seriously and make sustainable improvements. It is not just about empowerment; a framework for monitoring, an accurate understanding of the current situation, and awareness of the need for change are necessary. For this, the data provided by the M-Map diagnostic tool is indispensable.

4.Complete Visualization of Results Through Before and After Implementation     .            

We visualize the impact of the improvements devised and executed by the employees themselves, enabling the PDCA cycle. Because the improvements are owned and understood by the employees, we provide an environment where they can make necessary adjustments based on detailed post-implementation data.

Project Flow


Preparation Phase: M-Map Diagnosis

A diagnostic tool created to provide employees with opportunities to offer constructive opinions, also supporting their active participation.

It analyzes issues hindering employee motivation from a third-party perspective.

By using the motivation score and improvement roadmap, it proposes ways to enhance organizational strengths and eliminate factors that hinder motivation.

10 Hearings to Uncover Employees' True Feelings:

  1. Corporate Philosophy
  2. Compensation
  3. Leadership Communication
  4. Internal Communication
  5. Work Processes and IT Environment
  6. Evaluation Process
  7. Personal Growth and Development
  8. Work-Life Balance and Surrounding Environment
  9. Fairness and Diversity
  10. Recruitment Process

Examples of Factors Hindering Motivation from the Diagnostic Results:

Most Critical Items at a Glance:

Clearly see the factors that need the most improvement and those that most negatively affect employee motivation. Detailed results by department and generation are also available.

Analysis of the Impact and Opportunity Loss of the Wait-for-Instructions Habit in the Organization:

Measure the impact of the wait-for-instructions habit within the organization, including the influence rate on employees, main factors for turnover intentions, productivity impact, and the scale of opportunity loss as estimated by employees.。

Execution Phase: M-Map Improvement Projects Centered on Employees

Have you ever felt or heard comments such as, "Despite the training and projects that needed mindset changes, nothing really changed," or "Employees couldn't understand or adopt it"?

For improvements to take root, employees need "ownership" of the implemented methods and a deep enough understanding to adjust these methods as necessary.

The M-Map Improvement Project uses data obtained from the M-Map diagnosis to clearly define areas for improvement, making employees aware of them, and allowing them to create their improvement methods. Because they feel ownership and have a deep understanding, they can adjust the improvement methods themselves when needed.

Moreover, the concept of "changing one's way of being" is integrated into the mindset transformation. Changing one's way of being requires not only self-awareness but also time. The M-Map Improvement Project successfully achieves this by iteratively using a buddy system, PDCA cycle, sessions with instructors, and team-only workshops.

Confirmation Phase: Measure Before and After with a Repeat M-Map Diagnosis