Company A: Importer, 29 employees, annual sales of ¥3.5 billion

Close the perception gap with M-Map!

 The company president self-diagnosed the following issues:

  • Lackluster employee motivation
  • Excessive overtime (concern over inefficiency, OT expense, and employee burnout from overwork)
  • Dissatisfaction with salary, despite paying more than the industry average
  • Lack of new business and overreliance on legacy clients

M-Map diagnosed the true underlying issues:

  • Employees did not truly connect with the company’s vision and mission
  • Lack of inter-departmental communication
  • Frustration with insufficient sales skill and USP (Unique Selling Point) training
  • Frustration with inefficient workflow

Mpowered solutions:

Define Vision/Mission and Value Proposition (4 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
USP & Sales Skill Workshop (2 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
Retool Workflow and Set KPIs (8 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
Build AI Tools (12 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 2 hours per week


Doubled new client acquisition
Reduced overtime by 28%
Greatly reduced dissatisfaction with KPIs/performance evaluations (from 12 to 2 employees)
Boosted time devoted to sales activity from 34% to 39%
Launched new products and retained two employees who were thinking of leaving

Company B: Importer, 14 employees, annual sales of ¥500 million

Close the perception gap with M-Map!

 The company president self-diagnosed the following issues:

  • Lackluster employee motivation
  • Passive employees await instructions and do not take independent initiative
  • Lack of innovation and long-term future vision
  • Employees don’t understand what’s needed of them (misunderstand what’s important)
  • Generational communication gap (“What are our young employees thinking?”)

M-Map diagnosed the true underlying issues:

  • Employees did not truly connect with the company’s vision and mission
  • Lack of communication (particularly the leadership)
  • Frustration with inefficient workflow (project management, etc.)
  • No emphasis on innovation

Mpowered solutions:

Redefine Vision/Mission (2 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
Innovation Workshop (3 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
Retool Workflow and Set KPIs (12 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
Leader Mentoring (6 months)
Employee time commitment: average of 1 hour per week


Dramatically boosted belief in the company’s vision/mission: 100% of employees surveyed
Improved communication: Management received letters of gratitude from employees thankful for the change
Brushed-up PM skills: Introduction of PMO tools shaved 2 hours 50 minutes off meetings
Innovation project: Gained 3 new prospective clients

Company C: IT industry/SAAS, 46 employees, annual sales of ¥3.4 billion

Close the perception gap with M-Map!

 The company president self-diagnosed the following issues:

  • Sudden spike in turnover rate
  • Employees struggling with mental health and stress-related burnout
  • Dissatisfaction with bonuses and OT pay
  • Worsening office environment (especially inter-departmental relations)
  • Management wants to improve the workplace, but doesn’t know where to begin

M-Map diagnosed the true underlying issues:

  • Employees did not share a unified understanding of the company’s vision and mission
  • Employees lacked a cohesive perception of value provided to customers
  • Fundamental distrust of management (“temporary” OT continued with no end in sight)
  • Frustration with workflow (particularly inter-departmental communication)

Mpowered solutions:

Define Vision/Mission and Value Proposition (4 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
Hands-on Mid-Term Planning Workshop (6 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours per week
Retool Workflow and Inter-Departmental Communication (6 weeks)
Employee time commitment: average of 3 hours every two weeks


Redefined vision/mission to align with value proposition
Proactive communication: 100% of employees participate in planning of new mid-term project
Reduced OT by 42%
Ensured employee retention: After project's finish, lost only one employee out of five who were thinking of leaving (Before: 19.5%, After: 2.2%)
Improved mental health: No new mental health claims after project’s finish

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